pp108 : Case Activities Interface

Case Activities Interface

This topic describes the tabs and fields that appear on the Case Activities interface and operations that can be performed.

Overview Tab

The Overview tab displays general information of the selected case instance.

Group Box Field Description
Header Info Instance ID Displays the ID of the selected case instance. For example, 46996aa4-241c-49f9-a1e8-9729f9f0506d.
Status Displays the status of the case instance. For example, NEW.
Last Modified On Displays time at which the case activity was last modified.
Start Time Displays the start time at which the flow of control has moved to the case activity.
Case Info Case Info Displays the case data in XML format.

Case Activities Tab

The Case Activities tab displays a list view of all activities in the selected case instance with the following information:

Field Description
Activity Displays the general status of each activity. For example, New Activity.
State Displays the state of each activity. For example, default state.
Status Displays the status of each activity. For example, Released.
Planned On Displays the day, date and time at which an activity was planned. For example, Monday, November 10, 2008 3:48:33 PM.
Started On Displays the start day, date and time at which the flow of control in the case model has moved from previous activity to the current or selected activity. For example, Tuesday, November 11, 2008 3:48:33 PM.
Acted On Displays the day, date and time at which the case worker performed the activity or acted upon it. For example, Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:48:33 PM
Acted By Displays the name of the case worker who acted upon an activity. For example, Luca.
Activity Type

Displays the activity type. An activity in a case model can be any of the following:

  • HUMANTASK: This denotes an activity that requires human intervention. Click anywhere on this row to drill down to view task details.
  • BPMTASK: This denotes an activity that is independent of human intervention and is processed automatically. Click anywhere on this row to drill down to view the activity details.
  • CASETASK: This denotes an activity of a case model which may or may not need human intervention. You cannot drill down further for a CASETASK.

Performing Operations in the Case Activities tab view

To obtain a view of details and history of the activities in the case instance, you may perform the following drill-down operations in the Case Activities tab.

Operation Description
Show Details This view displays the details of the selected case activity. To drill-down and view the details of an activity, right-click an activity and select Show Details.
Show History
Note: This option is visible only when the Activity Type is Manual(Task)
This view displays the history of the selected case activity. To drill-down and view the history of a manual activity, right-click an activity and select Show History. Alternatively, select an activity and click . The task view appears displaying relevant history.
Note: This option is not visible when the Activity Type is Sub Case or Sub Process.

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